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Choosing a battery system for your ship

What do you need to consider when deciding on a battery system for your vessel?

The maritime industry is evolving and innovating driven by technological developments and sustainability goals set by governments. This whitepaper provides ten essential points to consider when choosing a battery system for your ship, whether it’s a newly built, retrofitted or converted vessel. For example, the first step is to define and determine how the battery system will be utilised on that vessel. From there 9 other steps follow to help you decide for the right battery system that meets your expectations.


10 points to consider when deciding on a maritime battery system

  • This whitepaper explains what you need to take into account when looking to electrify your fleet
  • Learn about maritime batteries and their functionalities
  • Read relevant examples on how battery systems are used on board


Solutions for every maritime energy storage systems need.

We have different battery solutions, suitable for systems up to several MWh’s, learn more about our systems.

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Do you want to know more about the Octopus Series or are you interested in advice for your battery system? Or if you don’t have a specific question yet, but want to get in touch, fill in the contactform.